I’m going to show you how to RESET the story and put yourself FIRST. For the next few weeks, I want you to focus on this four-step exercise. I call this re-shaping the story. Putting yourself first has to be a daily commitment.
The foods we put into our mouth are only one aspect of our true health. Learning to identify our feelings and properly dealing with them is another huge part.
Practice going through this ‘check in’ list every day:
- What am I feeling?
- Where am I feeling this in my body?
- What emotion am I feeling?
- When did I first feel this emotion?
- What can I learn about myself from this situation? Dig deeper by asking, “What’s behind this feeling?”
- Now allow yourself to feel and be in your truth. Allow yourself to let go and operate from a place of faith instead of fear.
In our hectic lives, we rarely give ourselves the time or the permission to FEEL what we are actually feeling, generally covering it up with distractions.
Set aside some time to get quiet and check in with how you’re feeling. Don’t resist any pain that comes up. Resistance actually causes more pain.
Close your eyes and ask yourself the following questions. You can also practice asking yourself these questions during a meditation or visualization.
- How can I describe this feeling? Am I sad, fearful, angry, anxious, etc.?
- Am I feeling one emotion or several things at once?
- Where do I feel this in my body?
- What color is it?
- What shape is it?
- What is underneath it?
- Who/what do I associate with it? Person, time, event?
Don’t run… Don’t push it away… own it and feel it!
Then I want you to rewrite the old story, a.k.a. the chatter in your head, which keeps you stuck.
Catch your breath. Put down the bat and stop beating yourself up. Release that which no longer serves you.
Write down the main negative beliefs you hold about yourself:
Are they TRUE?
CROSS THEM OUT and create NEW beliefs about yourself.
For example:
“I am complete.”
“I am enough.”
“I am loved.”
“I am wonderful.”
Write your new, positive beliefs about yourself here:
Now, take those old negative beliefs (the ones you had adamantly held onto for so long).
RELEASE them and say:
“I release_________________________. I allow myself to feel my feelings and I love myself completely.”
These are affirmations. But now that we are digging deeper, we can hopefully excavate even deeper-held beliefs.
By saying affirmations daily, you are honoring yourself and RE-leasing!!!!!!