Inner Circle
When all else fails, it’s time to look at your hormones.
We’ve all been there at one point or another.
We want to lose weight but can’t, and it seems like the extra kilos also create a domino effect on our lives – depression, low self-esteem, stress, skin problems.
We remember a time when youth used to solve all those problems. . . but now? Not so much.
When you eat all the good foods, and you focus on exercising every day, but still aren’t seeing results, a hormone imbalance may be the culprit.
And on top of the resistant, stubborn weight, you probably also experience one or more of these:
- Night sweats
- Hot flashes
- Fibroids
- Ovarian Cysts
- Heavy or irregular periods
- Mood struggles
- Brain fog
- Loss of concentration
- Acne/Psoriasis/Eczema
- Thyroid issues
- Lack of libido
- Constant fatigue
I know how you feel at the end of the day: Like you just want to drag your tired body onto the couch and give up.
I’ve been there.
And let me tell you – I know how frustrating it can be sometimes.
You want to feel healthy again, and energetic, and full of life, sexy and confident, don’t you?
The body is a machine. And when you find the right balance and the proper way to maintain this amazing machine, your life can change dramatically.
Did you know that there are certain foods that you can eat that will help with all of this?
This is what we will do in my new
Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership.
We’ll discover the right foods for your unique body.
I created this year-long membership program to literally eradicate all the lack of knowledge you could possibly have about hormones and how they affect your day to day life, and how to maintain hormonal harmony with your body.
This is not another “Health Guru” program where I recommend fad diets, miracle cures, pills and shakes with the promise that “only their cure” will work.
I’m here to empower you to take control of your life and eat nutritious food that actually makes your body work the way it’s designed to… without pain and struggle.
Because the truth is. . . Our bodies are amazing.
They can heal us and support us when we care for them and learn to listen to their needs.
You can strengthen your hormonal health, get rid of night sweats, regain your energy, regain your glowing skin, lose stubborn weight and so much more.
It’s just a matter of obtaining the right tools.
That’s why I created the Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership.
In our time together, you will:
- Reduce or eliminate night sweats and hot flashes
- Reduce irregular, heavy or painful periods as well as PMS symptoms
- Start to shift very stubborn resistant weight
- Get rid of recurring headaches
- Stabilize moods and irritability
- Wake up feeling rested and refreshed
- Access the energy your body needs to stay active all day
- Nourish dull skin and hair
Over the past 18 months I felt things start to shift in my body… changes I couldn’t explain. And it felt like my daily habits just weren’t working anymore.
My weight started to creep up (AGAIN), even though it’s been stable for the past 5 years through clean eating alone.
It never occurred to me that it could possibly be my hormones and I’m a health coach!
Because I ALREADY EAT super clean and I lead a healthy lifestyle, and I didn’t have any of the “classic” perimenopause symptoms:

I don’t have cramps.
I don’t get PMS like I did in my 30s (pre clean-eating).
I don’t get moody or weepy.
I don’t binge.
I sleep well.
I use all-natural beauty products.
I don’t have chronic acne or any breakouts.
My workouts weren’t the best, but a few days a week at least.
I tweaked my eating; I would do a 3 day juice cleanse here and there and still nothing. Not one gram.
I literally reached a point where I was at my wit’s end.
But then I started getting night sweats. And like most women, it didn’t register at first that these were “night sweats”. I thought maybe the AC wasn’t on high enough that night; or the covers were too heavy; or I should’ve worn lighter pajamas.
So I paid attention. And I discovered a pattern. The night sweats would start around the time of my ovulation and occur intermittently until my period came. I wasn’t sure yet what triggered them and to add to the mystery, some months they only happened once and some months they happened night after night.
I also discovered I had fibroids.
And fibroids are a DEFINITE sign of a hormonal imbalance, specifically estrogen dominance.
And because I follow a holistic approach to health, and I don’t resort to meds, I had to learn how to bio-hack my fibroids; the estrogen dominance and the night sweats.
It took several months of trial and error, but I’m now completely symptom-free.
So, of course, I want to show you how to do this too:)
Because it’s not “normal” or a “given” that this next stage of our lives should be difficult or uncomfortable.
They are built for balance and to balance our lives.
When something is not quite right with them,
we feel it… everywhere.
What you need right now is the ability to understand how your body works and how to test for hormonal imbalances.
Doctors are not magicians. And we must learn to be our own advocates.
My new Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership will teach you how to do all this, plus how to listen to your body, and all the different ways your hormones will work with your body parts to create the optimal harmony.
A lot of the clients that come to me arrive with so many different symptoms and the last thing they think is that they may have a hormonal imbalance.
That even happened to me–and I’m a health coach:) But that’s exactly what they are suffering from and once they attack this issue, their lives change forever.
Experience my
Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership.
A one-of-a-kind experience that goes beyond weight loss, dieting and conventional beauty methods so you can finally have the energy, vitality and confidence to take on the world.
When you look and feel good on the inside, you look and feel good on the outside too.
As a busy woman with many roles in life – mother, wife, friend, daughter, professional and member of various communities – you might have unknowingly let “life” take over before you realize you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately.
And you haven’t been looking like yourself either.
Your metabolism isn’t what it used to be. You barely recognize the reflection in the mirror as you wonder what happened over the past 10 years.

You are fed up with yo-yo dieting – the rollercoaster of getting short-term results… then gaining all the weight back and then some is getting tiresome.
You doubt you have the willpower to keep going like this… yet the thought of throwing in the towel and staying overweight, tired and feeling and looking old forever terrifies you.
But it’s not just the body that seems to be slipping away…
Behind being a successful mother, wife and professional, you’re experiencing more emotional turmoil. There are days when your mood swings get the better of you, and days when you just want to curl up and stay in bed all day.
You feel exhausted chasing after what you “should” do and how things “should” look like in life.
You feel guilty for not being good enough for the people you love most even though you do everything in your power to make them happy.
You’re out of time, out of energy and seemingly out of options.
You know this isn’t YOU.
You know there’s something much better just around the corner.
You’re ready for a change.
You’re ready to feel great in your body and confident in every area of your life.
You’re ready to try something new.
Most importantly: You’re ready to live a healthy, happy, stress-free life that allows you to spend more time with the people who truly matter.
We’ve all been there. Feeling so many different symptoms, feeling unhealthy and wondering what happened to that vibrant version of ourselves.
Hormones have a huge role to play in your body.
When they are not being maintained, they can cause so much havoc in your life. AT LIFE.
You may suffer from anxiety, palpitations, are overweight and exhausted. What happened? Where did you stop being YOU?
Let me help you stabilize your body again. Let me help you regain your energy and transform you into the best version of yourself.
Wouldn’t you love to start seeing results, feeling better, losing the extra pounds, being able to fit in your favorite skinny jeans, and have glowing skin?
There are tons of people out there right now facing the overwhelming task of getting back their health: taking pills, drinking smoothies, following the latest fad diet. And in the end, they are burnt out. You don’t have to be another one of those.
I’ve got your back! Let me give you the tools you need to reset your hormones!
It’s time to stop chasing your tail on the cycle of yo-yo dieting and trying every single up-and-coming skin product on the market.
It’s time to reveal the secret to having health, vitality, fresh-faced skin at every age; time, energy and resources you need so you can do what matters.
While getting into a size 4 dress can be gratifying, it’s NOTHING compared to how you feel after optimizing every area of your life.
Give me time, and we’ll reset your life.
That’s what my Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership is all about.
My Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership will help you gain an understanding of your body, how your hormones work in sync with your body and why you may be experiencing some really crazy and unrelenting symptoms right now.
You will also learn how to become an advocate for yourself when you go to the doctor’s office. There’s nothing more effective than knowledge in the journey to a healthy life.
You will also find some very interesting information regarding the use of everyday instruments that may be affecting your hormones too, like things in your beauty products or cookware.
- Clearer, glowing skin.
- Better sleep.
- No anxiety or depression.
- Strong immune system and gut.
- Energy to finally do the things you love.
Join my Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership!

So, what is the Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership all about?
This is a life-changing journey where you will discover how to listen to your body and bring hormonal harmony back into your life.
Even your partner will see the difference in you.
You’ll receive all these life-changing goodies as part of your program:
Monthly Modules
Monthly modules packed with life-changing information about hormonal balance, from understanding how they work in your body, to your menstrual cycles.
Group Support
Live Teachings
Recipes and Meal Plans
What makes this program different?
This program is unlike any others. Hormonal balance should be a priority for all of us. It can make or break you, take away from your time with your loved ones, and your passions.
This is the beginning of your journey to optimal health. I have laid out the foundations for you to live the best life you can live. Without the hassle. Without you having to do hours of research.
Just results.
Thank you for making me more powerful and mindful on all levels. It’s been a struggle but I every day I feel more empowered. Once I start to realize this power, there is no looking back.
I kept them as a reminder that I need to be that version of me again.
Today, I tried them on and they went all the way up my thighs (it was impossible before) but the button won’t close yet. But I’m thrilled. I literally jumped for joy because I only have few more steps to get there and close this button!
I know this membership is perfect for you if you want to:
- Reduce or eliminate night sweats and hot flashes
- Start to shift that stubborn, resistant weight
- Experience more energy, so you can enjoy your life more without feeling exhausted
- Reduce irregular, heavy, or painful periods as well as PMS
- Look and feel younger!
- Get rid of recurring headaches.
- Fit into your favorite clothes again!
- Have gorgeous, glowing skin.
- Stabilize your moods and irritability
Sound like something you’d like to experience?
Then sign up for my Hormone Healing Inner Circle Membership.
A healthier, more energetic, glowing, stronger you is waiting right around the corner!

Your Investment
Inner Circle Membership
- A new hormone-related topic each month
- Monthly recipes and meal plans
- Weekly homework to keep you on track
- Access to Facebook Group for daily support
- Bi-weekly live trainings
This is an ongoing monthly membership. You can cancel any time, but you will lose access to materials when you cancel.
Monthly $25
Ongoing payments
Pay in Full $250
Save $50
If I knew what I know now, I’d have saved myself suffering and wasted time.
Because when you change how you eat and fuel your body, you empower yourself to take back control, to make better decisions, and to prioritize YOU.
And when you do THAT…it will show.
It all starts with what you eat.
Your parents, friends, and doctors will tell you it’s genetic (and it is).
Your mother has fibroids so you have the fibroids gene. Yes, that’s true.
Your grandmother had cancer. Your chances of getting cancer are high. Yes, also true.
Everyone in your family get wrinkles by the age of 45. Yes, you’re probably right.
What they’re not telling you is this:
Your genetics are only a loaded gun. It’s full alright. With your parent’s genes, your grandparents, your great grandparents and then some.
But this loaded gun will only go off if it’s triggered.
And what are the triggers?
Food and Lifestyle.
So yes, if you EAT and DRINK and MOVE and LIVE in exactly the same way your parents, grandparents and your great grandparents did, you will probably have the same issues they did.
But what if you don’t?
What if you eat different food?
What if you don’t drink as much coffee as your mother did? Or drink as much as your uncle did?
What if you MOVE more? Walk every single day, sweat buckets most days of the week and keep your body and muscles supple and tight?
What if…you go LIVE your life the way YOU want to, not the way EVERYONE else wants you to?
Do you know what will happen then?
It will show. From the inside out.
And your genes?
They’ll get confused. They will retreat, refrain, and evolve with you instead of against you.
All this is to say…
When you combine nutrition + a vibrant life lived on your terms, you change EVERYTHING.
This program goes beyond “dieting.” We’ll rid your body of toxins, drop those extra kilos, revive your skin, flatten your belly, improve digestion, and re-energize your life from the inside out.
In our time together, you will…
Hit the reset button and reboot your metabolism so you feel more alive than you have in a long time.
Enjoy younger-looking, revived, radiant skin.
Fuel your body properly and gain tons of energy to enjoy everything in life, like spending quality time with your husband and kids.
Feel alert, powerful, and ready to take on the world every day of your life.
Feel comfortable in your own skin and confident in your relationships.
Kick your cravings for sugary, salty foods, and make those guilt-inducing late-night snack attacks a thing of the past.
Eliminate foods that are wreaking havoc on your body, causing symptoms such as brain fog, bloating, digestive issues, mystery aches and more.
Eat in a way that’s good for you and your family, and master recipes that are simple and easy to prepare.
Manage stress and stay grounded so you can savor every moment of your life.
Discover how to exercise in a way that works for you so you can get back in shape without spending hours in the gym or dragging yourself to doing something you don’t enjoy.
Most importantly, you’ll develop YOUR very own blueprint for healthy eating and living that will fuel you for the rest of your life.
You’ll learn how YOUR body works so you can fine-tune and adjust to meet whatever life throws your way.
You’ll be equipped with the physical and emotional tools to make life-long changes.
You’ll get rid of the diet mentality and do what actually works for YOU.
You’ll let go of the “should” and what no longer serves you, so you can experience TRUE Freedom and TRUE happiness.
In this one year journey, we’ll build a strong foundation and give you the knowledge and resources to empower your wellness, beauty and your life.
You’ll be guided through a carefully-designed process that takes you all the way to the finish line.
In addition to all the online resources at your fingertips, you will have support from me along with a community of like-minded women.
Here is the basic breakdown of the program.
How to Eat for Hormone Health
Sugar and Hormone Health
Gut and Hormone Health
Toxins and Hormone Health
Stress and Hormone Health
Thyroid and Hormone Health
Hormone Imbalance and Your Health
Libido and Hormone Health
Immune and Hormone Health
Adrenal and Hormone Health
Healthy Weight Loss and Exercise for
Hormone Health
Self-Care and Healthy Mindset for
Hormone Health
(Topics and order subject to change.)
Here are just a handful of the breakthroughs you can expect to experience:
- Feel more grounded, alert, powerful, and ready to take on the world every day of your life
- Eliminate the foods wreaking havoc on your hormones
- Revive your skin from the inside out to be fresh-faced at any age
- Learn which foods fuel your body instead of depleting your hormones
- Properly absorb and assimilate food so that your digestive system performs in the way that it’s supposed to
- Reduce the inflammation that leads to hormonal imbalance, bloating and headaches
- Reboot your metabolism
I’ll coach you based on the foods and skincare routines I use in my own life.
I’ve experienced firsthand what works and what doesn’t work, and I know how to help you reduce toxins and inflammation in your body and develop a blueprint for healthy eating that you’ll be able to stick to over time.
I know how to create beauty from the inside out and what works and what doesn’t.
Cleansing can be easy, but support is essential. That’s why working with me is the most effective way for you to make progress and stay on track.
I’ll equip you with the physical and emotional tools you need to make life-long changes. And you’ll let go of that which no longer serves you, so that you can experience TRUE freedom and TRUE happiness — getting rid of the diet mentality, toxic skin products and getting clear on what actually works for you and your hormones.
This is a self-study program, which means you can start today. You’ll have access to the program materials as soon as you begin.
You’ll receive access to the membership site in your email inbox as soon as you sign up, and you can experience this transformation from the comfort of your own home.
Access information to the private Facebook Group will also be emailed to you once you join the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are “Online Programs” effective?
You don’t have to drag yourself through the traffic, sit in a nutritionist’s waiting room for an hour, only to get a 10-min weigh-in and consult, then walk out with a cookie-cutter boring meal plan that you have no idea how to integrate into your current routine and lifestyle.
You don’t have to figure it all out on your own for the days or weeks between appointments with no help or support available – you can just hit reply to any emails from me and I’ll answer your questions within 24 hours.
You don’t have to endure old-school “chemical diets” or “calorie counting plans” that don’t take into account your bio-individuality and lifestyle preferences.
What if I'm under 45 and not in perimenopause yet?
My periods are regular, but I still have crazy symptoms like acne and night sweats. Can this help me?
When is the best time to start this program? For example, should I need to wait until the beginning (or the end) of my period?
Is it normal to be moody or have tender breasts before or during my period?
Will I be starving?
Each delicious recipe is created by a fabulous chef designed to nourish your body from the inside out and ensure you feel satisfied with every bite.
Can I still workout?
It is important to note that, whenever you change your diet your body changes as well. Please talk to your doctor if you have any specific concern about your health.
Am I only going to be drinking juices or smoothies?
Which proteins will I be eating?
I'm already gluten- and dairy-free. How can this program help me?
You’re on this page for a reason. Something isn’t working for you. This program can help.
What side effects might I experience?
The experience differs from one person to the next, and this program is designed with that in mind so you’ll have access to all the tools you need to keep any unwanted symptom at bay.
I have a known medical condition. Is this program still safe for me?
Your Investment
Inner Circle Membership
- A new hormone-related topic each month
- Monthly recipes and meal plans
- Weekly homework to keep you on track
- Access to Facebook Group for daily support
- Bi-weekly live trainings
This is an ongoing monthly membership. You can cancel any time, but you will lose access to materials when you cancel.
Monthly $25
Ongoing payments
Pay in Full $250
Save $50
This program is not for health coaches, dieticians, nutritionists, or any healing practitioners.
Note: It is important to consult your physician before beginning any new eating or exercise program. This is a clean eating program designed to teach you the difference between foods that inflame you and foods that fuel you. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.